

Spring Perfume Hotel a space with a history of three generations.

Its beginnings go back to the first half of the XX century, with Álvaro Branco, who returned from the United States where he lived for 22 years, acquired a plot of land in front of the Palace Hotel and built his residence there: a Challet where he began to give some who through Vidago goes looking for such prestigious medicinal waters. Their customers pay for bedtime and bring the necessities for meals, a peculiar business relationship that would always create close, almost familiar ties of friendship.

In 1973, Antero Magalhães Rodrigues, bets on the growth and proceeds to expand the facilities of the former residence of his father-in-law Álvaro Branco. At the same time, without abandoning the friendliness and closeness to the client, he opts for a professional approach. With the creation of Pensão Primavera, which has undergone several extensions over the years, with the increase in the number of rooms, construction of the bar and enlargement of the function rooms, bets on a quality service, with conditions adapted to the needs and requirements of the time, offering extensive services in its field of activity.

In October 2010, in order to continue to serve better, following the line of its founder, Pensão Primavera, ends to give rise to a deep restructuring.

In December 2011, from a comprehensive, consolidated project, inspired by its surroundings, where the element water, nature and aromas are the motto, spring comes the Perfume Hotel. A space where elegance and well-being rise in a touch of perfume that awakens the senses.

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